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Hundreds turn to Caithness CAB for advice during coronavirus crisis

Caithness CAB manager Isobel Mackay.
Caithness CAB manager Isobel Mackay.

Caithness Citizens Advice Bureau helped more than 500 people in the second half of March while adapting the way it works during the coronavirus outbreak.

Bureau manager Isobel Mackay said: "Throughout March we continued to give advice to those who need it as we take steps to redesign how we deliver our services to people in Caithness.

"Our teams are working from both offices [Wick and Thurso] and remotely as we continue to provide advice and support by telephone, email and webchat."

Isobel explained that between March 16 and 31 the team helped more than 500 people. The main areas of advice being sought related to benefits, debt and Universal Credit support.

"We are here, as always, for everyone in Caithness and will continue to help those who need it," Isobel said.

CAB advice is free, impartial and confidential.

Telephone and email are the preferred methods of making contact with CAB, rather than visiting the premises.

Advice can be sought by phone between 10am and 4pm on 01847 894243 (Thurso) or 01955 605989 (Wick) or by email at bureau@caithnesscab.casonline.org.uk

Caithness CAB support can also be accessed online at www.caithnesscab.org

In addition there is a general public advice website at www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caithnesscab

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